With the fiscal life almost upon us, the American
public waits while both parties duke it out and try to get their policies put
through so much so that they are currently at a stalemate. The main cause of
the stalemate is whether or not the Bush tax cuts will expire and taxes will
raise for the wealthy (those that make $200,000 if single and $250,000 if
married). I think that the Democrats have to hold firm on that issue and let it
expire (no negotiation). Those tax cuts were created with hopes that the
wealthy would spend the money they saved and promote an increase in the
economy, but they didn’t so why continue to give them more tax breaks? That isn’t all that needs to be done in these
fiscal talks, like Rep. Steve LaTourette said we all “need to focus more on the
cost of programs like Medicare and Social Security. We need to fix the models
they created in the 1950’s and crack down on health care fraud (last year
alone, the government’s health care fraud prevention and enforcement recovered
nearly $4.1 billion in tax payer money). Both sides need to come together and work as Americans,
not as Democrats or Republicans.
I wish I could give more information on the Republican
stance on the issue, but their main focus is on the prevention of ending tax
cuts for the upper class, decrease spending on programs such as Social Security
and Medicare, and the increase in the debt ceiling. I for one don’t believe
that decreasing funding to SS and Medicare will fix the problem; I think they
just need to look at the programs and reevaluate them completely. Democrats proposed an increase in the debt
ceiling and $50 billion dollars for a stimulus program. I don’t know why they
would want an increase on the debt ceiling, because the main goal of these
fiscal talks is to decrease the debt so in my opinion I don’t understand these
All in all, I think the two parties need to work
together and solve the debt issue if not, we will all see a tax hike of $2,200
each. With that said, I still believe that taxes for the upper class need to
Works cited
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